Faith and Finances 2025

We're offering a new class of Faith and Finances, which will explore the essential question about money: what does it mean to seek first God's kingdom, and trust that He adds everything else to us?  Led by a trained instructor, participants will explore:

  • Knowledge and skills in basic financial management that you can put into practice;

  • Awareness of good financial practices and systems;

  • Wisdom to overcome real world pitfalls on the path of financial health; and

  • Encouragement from brothers and sisters, coming together to experience how Jesus can provide peace, healing, and freedom through restored relationship with Him, with others, with ourselves, and our money.

Hold on tight!  It won't be easy.  If you are willing to look honestly at your own beliefs and practices, along with the systems and culture we live in, then together, we can begin to cultivate truly healthy financial lives.  Welcome to the Faith and Finances community!

Class Schedule

September 8th - November 24th, 2025 (Monday Nights) from 6:00pm-7:30pm

Join us at the Worthington Christian Church

Typical Night Activities

  • 5:30 PM - Registration and homework review

    (Snacks and childcare provided)

    (Rides provided as requested)

  • 6:00 PM - Class

  • 7:00 PM - Class dismiss & incentives pick-up

Who is the class for?

Anyone who would like to grow in their knowledge and discipline of financial management. 


Our classes depend on the generous support of volunteers and community resources. You can make a difference by providing snacks for about 25 people or helping with childcare. Commit once a month or more if you would like.

Call Love INC to register (507)727-7291 or fill the form below